WooCommerce Agency.

Web Design services from gloversure displayed on a computer

A WooCommerce Agency igniting conversion

We are a diverse team of creative minds collaborating with like-minded businesses to build unique WooCommerce websites that exceed expectations. Our meticulous mentality and UX-focused development has been helping UK businesses grow, evolve and thrive.

Capturing the essence of each business into a visually stunning on-brand design that upsells your identity, and encourages interaction. Keeping website users engaged and strategically guiding them to convert.

“We are an award-winning WooCommerce Agency. Driving meaningful traffic through custom-built personalised customer journeys.”

Why WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is an open-source, flexible platform powering millions of businesses across the globe. The WordPress eCommerce solution is renowned for its complete adaptability and customisation. Compact with a vast library of extensible plugins equating to over 55,000.

The diversity of WooCommece sparks aspiring businesses with the opportunity to deliver an audience-focused, brand-enhancing online experience. A powerful platform that has successfully grown to be the No.1 eCommerce solution.


Top 1 million websites market share


Over a decade of experience


Live websites use WooCommerce

How we develop WooCommerce…


We put users at the heart of every website. Adopting a user-centric structure that understands how your users behave online. Simplifying their experience while remaining engaging.


We prioritise your most important features first and build from the ground up, starting with your mobile and progressing to tablet and desktop. Delivering a flawless experience regardless of device.


WooCommerce’s extensibility and versatility allows our developers to craft custom functionality to better your online service. As well as, integrating specialist third-party plugins.


As a WooCommerce Agency, we look towards the future with strategic direction. And as you grow, your needs change. Thanks to the scalability of WooCommerce we can make quick, effective changes as and when you need.


We combat the impatience of online users with fast-loading websites that perform functionally at optimal performance.

Data-driven, Creative-Fuelled

Our WooCommerce web design process begins with understanding. We’ll work closely with you to derive exactly what it is that makes you, well, you. Discovering the reasoning behind your identity, who your audience is and learning more about the industry you operate in. Once we’re on the same page, and we have all the data we need, creativity takes the driver’s seat.

We’ll begin carefully balancing the visual elements that make up your brand into an appealing, attractive design. Effectively communicating the message of your brand whilst resonating with your target audience. As well as this, we’ll strategically place call-to-actions throughout your website to encourage further interaction with your brand. In turn, creating a bespoke WooCommerce steeped in on-brand character and identity.

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Ongoing Support & Feature Guidance

As a WooCommerce Agency, we know how important communication is to the success of our clients. You tell us exactly what you want, and we’ll respond with clarity, explaining exactly how we propose to accomplish it. Keeping you in the loop at all times, and providing ongoing support to any queries or future changes you want to make.

Additionally, if you are new to the world of web development, or a little unsure about which features are best suited to you. Don’t worry; we’re on hand to give you the technical expertise you need to deliver an impactful WooCommerce.

Find out how we can help kickstart your project.

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